Move Out Information
Every property is emailed this info prior to move out, regardless of whether some or all tenants are staying for another year.
See your lease for your specific move out date
Keep in mind, the dates on your lease are say 12:01am, which means you have until midnight of the day before.
Re-signing/Not re-signing?
Whether you are re-signing or not, please read the entire email.
However, pay special attention to the sections below regarding re-signing/not re-signing, depending on your situation.
Forwarding Address/Damage Deposit:
Please email the forwarding address of the person whom you have elected to receive the security deposit to
You must decide on only one person as only one check will be sent. Be sure this person is on your lease.
When emailing include the following:
- Current address (Ex. 134 Gunson. Unit # if applicable).
- Full name of the person receiving the deposit.
- Forwarding address (full address, including city, state, zip code & apartment # if applicable). This is the address you will be at 30 days from the end of the lease. *Be sure your name is on the mailbox.
Your itemized list of damages and any deposit refund will be sent within 30 days of the end of your lease. All deposit refunds/itemized list of damages will be mailed 30 days from the official end of your lease; regardless of whether you have moved out early.
If you have moved out early (or plan to), and your property will be vacant, please let us know and we may start our change over process. If you have broken doors, large holes in the walls, etc. & we may repair them at pre-turnover rates.
Upcoming Walk Through:
Be advised; we may come to your house in the coming weeks to look for possible repairs that can be done prior to the end of your lease. If you intend to fix any damages yourself, you must notify us via e-mail by 6-22-22 of the repairs you plan to do yourself. From there, all of those repairs must be completed by an agreed upon date. We will be the final judge in determining if a repair has been done correctly.
Whether you are moving or some/all of you have re-signed, Mid-Michigan Glass and Ace Appliance will be coming to your home before your lease ends to repair any broken storms, screens, and windows as well as checking all appliances for repair.
If you have removed a storm/screen, please re-install it or place it below the window it belongs in. This must be done immediately, and the storm/screen must remain there until your current lease ends, or you may be charged for a new one.
Tenants must pay all utility bills, if applicable, (Consumers Energy, Board of Water & Light, City of East Lansing Water & Sewage). If you personally are moving out (and have utilities in your name), but other roommates have re-signed, you are responsible for having the services transferred to another roommate’s name; except for the City of East Lansing water bill, we will transfer that bill for you. If you are staying you must continue to pay your bills as you normally would, there is no need to finalize any bills.
You must pay the Board of Water & Light bill (this is your electric bill). We will pay your final City of East Lansing water/sewage bill and deduct it from your security deposit. Tenants must pay all other utility bills (if applicable) and are responsible for having the services turned off, including your cable/internet services. Be sure to return any modems or other equipment owned by your cable/internet provider.
Hagan Realty Inc. will be the final judge regarding the cleanliness of your house. Carpet cleaning will be deducted from your cleaning fee.
You may avoid additional charges if the following items are completed to Hagan Realty Inc. standards:
- Remove ALL items from every room in the property, including cabinets, drawers, basement, attics, etc.
- Wash cupboards & drawers inside and out. Wipe down baseboards and windowsills.
- Oven/stove top must be cleaned; including removable shelving and behind unit.
- Remove all food from refrigerator/freezer; wipe down inside/outside and top.
- Floors must be swept, mopped and vacuumed; whatever is necessary.
- Sinks, tubs/showers and toilets must be scrubbed clean with bleach and/or appropriate cleaning solution.
- All litter on property; yard, bushes, window wells, etc. must be picked up & disposed properly. This includes cigarette butts and newspapers.
- Trash that does not fit in your can must be put in yellow City of East Lansing trash bags and left at the curb. You can purchase bags at City Hall or at our office. Bags are sold in packages of 5 for $9.75.
- Do not fill the City of East Lansing trash can over the top.
- Large trash items such as furniture, carpets, etc. must have a green “special pick-up” sticker on them. Items with Freon (A/C's, refrigerators) require a different, more costly, sticker. Stickers may be purchased from The City of East Lansing, Public Works Dept. @ (517)337-9459. You need to make arrangements with them for pick up. You may contact us to purchase the $20 green stickers during regular business hours. Please bring exact change.
- Only approved items may be placed in the recycling bin. If any trash or unapproved items are placed in the recycling bin, there will be a minimum charge of $25 for proper disposal.
- Apartments: DO NOT PLACE LARGE ITEMS IN OR AROUND THE DUMPSTER. Apartment tenants must follow the same procedure as houses for large items.
- All screens and storm windows must be in place.
- Each floor, bedroom, & basement requires a working smoke detector. Smoke detectors use a 9-volt battery. $5.00 will be charged for a missing battery & $20.00 for a missing smoke detector (battery powered).
- All entrance keys and bedroom keys must be left on the kitchen counter. You received 2 keys per bedroom lock (if applicable). Exterior keys should total 1 more than your property is licensed for. If you want to lock the unit leave the last key in the mailbox (notify us if you plan to do so). There is a $10.00 charge for each missing key.
- Leave UNOPENED/NON-PERISHABLE food/drink on the kitchen counter for donation.
- Carefully remove all 2-way stickers & any residue from them on walls, windows, doors, etc.
- Remove all screws & nails used to hang items on the walls.
In addition to City of East Lansing curbside recycling there are other ways to get rid of usable furniture and other items. Goodwill, Salvation Army, & Haven House are some of the well-known organizations in town.
Arrangements for pick-ups/donations must be done prior to move out. HRI will not facilitate any pick-ups/donations.
Items left in/around the property past the end of the lease will be considered trash, disposed of, and you will be charged.
Thank you for choosing Hagan Realty, Inc.; call 517-351-0765 or email to with any questions.